Looking for a high protein treat after your workout? Try this springy smoothie bowl!
Blueberry Cobbler Smoothie Bowl
Ready for a post-workout pick-me-up? This smoothie boasts 25g of protein!
Summer Fruit Trifle
Looking for a fabulous summer dessert? Make my Fruit Trifle!
Tie-Dye Overnight Oats
I love a hot bowl of oatmeal once the weather turns cold, but until then, I’ll be enjoying overnight oats. It’s a super versatile recipe that can be as hearty or light as you want it. This satisfying breakfast-in-a-jar helps us get out of the door on time in the morning. Plus, it’s a wonderful thing to open your refrigerator in the morning and suddenly remember that breakfast is already taken care of! Once you have the oat and milk (or milk alternative) base, you can top it with nearly anything you like. I love the way the dragonfruit and wild blueberries combine to create a vivid and super cool tie-dye effect to the whole jar. Your kids won’t believe the color is all-natural! Note: Use gluten-free oats to make this GF.